The Revolutionary Kickstart Survey
Posted on August 12, 2020 by admin
The revolutionary Kickstart survey employs a powerful, positive approach that garners in advance the aspirations and concerns of active employees especially during these unprecedented times. Due to the current situation we expanded off of the original pillars and concepts from our already groundbreaking “KEEP ME (Stay) Survey” and reworked, added, and improved the content to create the more relevant than ever “Kickstart Your Workforce Survey”; it does not attempt to gauge old and redundant factors like employee entitlement, but instead focuses on taking a proactive stance in gaining insight on employee expectations, goals and issues being faced in the workplace. The Kickstart survey is truly interested on how to keep employees motivated, informed, passionate, appreciated, engaged and of course, wanting to stay.
Proactive Insights’ Kickstart Your Workforce survey is an online employee engagement survey which takes about 15 minutes to complete. Using both weighted and open ended questions pertinent to any workplace and a few extra customized inquiries geared towards the pandemic itself, we created this increasingly timely yet timeless survey; the material drills deep into each of the 10 retention drivers and uncovers how to increase the length of stay and productive passion of your employees regardless of the circumstances. With 224 dynamic reports, you will be able to measure and analyze unique, in-depth yet user-friendly details which are compiled into various charts and tables, as well as having all narrative responses organized for you. For moving forward you will also be provided with a comprehensive report providing recommendations and best practices on How to Keep Your Best Talent from Walking Out the Door.
For further inquiries please contact us directly at 604-808-2211 or via email at
To learn more about our increasingly important Kickstart Your Workforce survey, please visit our website
Tags: bad managers, communication, disengaged employee, employee communication, employee engagement, Employee Engagement Surveys, employee feedback, employee happiness, employee motivation, employee retention, online employee engagement surveys