FAQ's General

On average it takes 5 minutes to complete the Xpress survey, and between 10 and 15 minutes for the Xtra, Xpand, or Keep Me survey.
Your opinion matters. When many people respond, the quantity of information provided helps inform change in your work environment. A great idea for change can come from one person!
You will receive an email from your survey administrator.  In that email there will be a link to visit the online survey with a password.  
Yes, but If you leave the survey before completion, you will have to start over from the beginning when you return. Since we do not use cookies or track IP addresses, there is no process for the survey participant to “save and continue” if they wish to exit the survey prior to completion.
This depends on your organization.  We are not involved in this part of the process. However, participating in the survey allows you to express your opinions and help make a difference in your workplace.  Remember, you will not be identified in the survey results.
Proactive Insights follows exceptionally strict procedures so that aggregated data that is reported remains anonymous and cannot be attributed to a specific employee.  We do not drop cookies into the browser.  We do not collect IP addresses.  We do not ask for names or email addresses.  Survey participant responses and comments are anonymized.  To preserve individuals anonymity, reports and results will only be presented to the survey administrator once enough completed surveys have been reached.  This number is based on a variable percentage of the total number of survey licenses. Comments remain anonymized unless the respondent chooses to say something that clearly identifies them.  Access to the survey database is restricted to the survey administrator.  Demographic information requested is general and minimal.  If respondents are not comfortable with the demographic information being requested, they can choose to answer however they wish.  Since we do not use cookies or track IP addresses, there is no process for the survey participant to “save and continue” if they wish to exit the survey prior to completion. 
Yes, comments and suggestions are extremely valuable and help with interpretation of survey results to understand where improvements can be made. The survey gives employees an opportunity to make suggestions that will be shared with employer. Those comments will be anonymous unless you choose to say something that clearly identifies you.
Yes, upon completion of the survey, you have the option to review and print your responses.
This is a decision to be made by your organization. Check with your survey administrator or supervisor.
We offer a truly exceptional free service, because we want to help you grow. And as you grow, and as your needs grow, we hope you'll upgrade. Completion of the Pulse survey is the perfect stepping stone to the our Online Suggestion Box, plus our Xpress, Xtra, Xpand, and Keep Me (Stay) Employee Engagement surveys that drill deep into retention, motivation and organizational success. We don't impose an upgrade on you. You can use it for free for as long as you like. 
You have access to unlimited Pulse surveys.  Each Pulse survey includes 50 licences and full access with no expiration.  If you wish to reach out to more than 50 employees via one survey, or you require unlimited reports and analytics, please upgrade to a purchased survey.

FAQ's Survey Administrator

Yes, at any time during the survey process, you can purchase additional licences from your customer dashboard.
Secure online payment is set up to accept all major credit cards or PayPal.  Email us if you are required to pay by Purchase Order or Check.
You are responsible for emailing the survey link with the password to each participant.  Your first step it to generate the survey link and password from the customer dashboard. You then have the option to email the link from the customer dashboard to either yourself or your employees.  You also have the option to copy and paste the link and password and administer however you like.  After you create the survey link and password, you have the option to pick from a number of survey introduction examples that are built within email templates.  You can modify the wording as you wish, and you also have the option to email your chosen template directly from the customer dashboard to your employees (or to yourself for further modification).
Your password protected, custom dashboard is your one stop for complete and simple management.
The survey process is open for 90 days from the time of payment verification.  Email us if you want to extend.
Yes, log into your dashboard and view the management report for real time participation rates.  Remember, to preserve individuals anonymity, participation rates will only be presented to the survey administrator once enough completed surveys have been reached.  This number is based on a variable percentage of the total number of survey licenses.  Please check back often.  Once that number is reached, participation rates will be available on a real time basis.
Yes, except for the recommendations report that is not created until you end the survey process.  For all other reports, log into your dashboard and view. Remember, to preserve individuals anonymity, reports and results will only be presented to the survey administrator once enough completed surveys have been reached.  This number is based on a variable percentage of the total number of survey licenses. Please check back often.  Once that number is reached, all reports, engagement scores and narrative comments will be available on a real time basis.
Yes, you can view online, print, save as PDF and share.
All reports are accessed and generated from the survey administrator customer dashboard.  The release of any information is a decision to be made by the survey administrator, or management.  If you wish to share reports with employees, we have designed two of our reports that do not expose the narrative comments made by the survey participants.  They are called the Overall and the Employee reports.
Yes, Purchase the Xternal employee engagement service and have Proactive Insights externally administer your survey process - you remain at arm's length.  All information, data and results are held by Proactive Insights. When the survey process is concluded, a telephone debriefing occurs.  During this debriefing, you have the option to decide next steps. We then provide customized recommendations that suit your unique requirements.
Yes, this service is called the Custom Xplore survey. Proactive Insights can create custom engagement and retention surveys utilizing your questions within our format and report structure. See the Custom Xplore survey information page for more details.
Yes, in addition to the Xpress Employee Engagement survey, we offer: The Proactive Insights Xtra survey for designed as an expanded employee engagement survey that takes about 15 minutes to complete.  It drill deep into each of the 10 engagement drivers and uncovers the root of your company issues.  With 228 dynamic reports, you will be able to measure and analyze details.  You will also be provided with comprehensive suggestions and actions to take based on your unique situation. The Keep Me survey is an online employee retention survey which takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It drills deep into each of the 10 retention drivers and uncovers how to increase the length of stay of your employees. With 224 dynamic reports, you will be able to measure and analyze unique, in-depth details. You will also be provided with a comprehensive report providing recommendations and best practices on How to Keep Your Best Talent from Walking Out the Door.  Expand deeply into the engagement drivers by starting the Proactive Insights Xpand survey for those specific employee engagement driver areas where you have low engagement. The Xpand survey is actually 10 surveys, and each survey is built on just one of the engagement drivers. Pick the engagement drivers you want more feedback and conduct a targeted survey that specifically drills deep into those areas of concern. Consider the Proactive Insights Xit survey (employee exit interview survey) for past and currently exiting employees.  This survey can help you determine why they are leaving and what you can do to increase retention. The Custom Xplore survey allows you to build your own questions and content within our framework and reports. All components of the custom survey process remain the same except that you provide the content and use our format. The Xternal survey is a completely hands-off process. The survey process (any survey you choose) is completely managed and conducted by Proactive Insights.  As your trusted advisor, we hold all information in a protected, confidential manner. At the end of the survey process, you are debriefed by telephone and only provided with written recommendations for positive action. The Proactive Insights anonymous online Suggestion BoX is recommended as an offering to all employees, allowing your staff to provide you with critical feedback and ideas in an honest and anonymous fashion.  How it works: You receive a unique URL to your box that you can give out to anyone who should give anonymous feedback. You'll get a copy of each suggestion via email, and you can access all of your responses at any time by logging into your Suggestion BoX account. Proactive Insights also provides consulting services throughout the process to help your organization maximize their performance by incorporating employee engagement into their overall business strategy. We enable businesses to integrate engagement across the entire organization and find people solutions to today's complex business problems.
Yes.  After you create the survey link and password, you have the option to pick from a number of survey introduction examples that are built within email templates.  You can modify the wording as you wish, and you also have the option to email your chosen template directly from the customer dashboard to your employees (or to yourself for further modification).