Posted on November 22, 2019 by admin |
Some people are still mistakenly under the impression that employee turnover is a good thing. What a myth this is! Sure, it sometimes a good thing to remove the occasional bad egg from one’s workplace in order to bring in more productive workers, but many managers are baffled when they learn about
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Tags: Employee Engagement Surveys, employee happiness, employee leadership training, employee motivation, employee retain, employee satisfaction, employee stay survey, fulfilling life, KEEP ME employee Survey, leadership by walking around, manage by walking around, management by walking around, mbwa, online employee engagement surveys, passion in the workplace, retain and gain, stay interview survey, work utopia, workplace satisfaction
Posted on November 8, 2019 by admin |
The quickest way to kill your business – stay in your office!
Simply put… If you want to kill the human spirit and destroy your organization, stay out of touch.
Stay in your office.
Send out non-stop emails.
Sit arrogantly in your comfort zone, and stay oblivious to what is really going on
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Tags: Employee Engagement Surveys, employee leadership training, employee stay survey, KEEP ME employee Survey, leadership by walking around, manage by walking around, management by walking around, mbwa, online employee engagement surveys, stay interview survey
Posted on January 5, 2015 by admin |
Listening is the manager’s most important leadership skill
Get off your high horse
Get off your computer
Get out of your office
Get out of the board room
…Get on your feet!
If you truly want to listen to your employees, use your feet.
Listen by Walking Aro
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Tags: asking the right question, communication, employee communication, Employee Engagement Surveys, employee feedback, employee leadership training, employee motivation, employee retain, employee retention, employee satisfaction, employee stay survey, employee survey, fulfilling life, ignoring feedback, job satisfaction, KEEP ME employee Survey, leadership by walking around, Listen To Employees, listen with your feet, manage by walking around, management by walking around, mbwa, mega trend, not listening, online employee engagement surveys, passion in the workplace, retain and gain, stay interview survey, survey questions, top engagement drivers, work utopia, workplace satisfaction
Posted on December 14, 2014 by admin |
A disproportionate number of people are now joining the “lost generation” club – a group of individuals who are becoming more and more disengaged from their workplace and school environment, leading to as much as $4.7 trillion in lost productivity.
Disengagement is now a defining trend that
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Tags: disengagement mega-trend, Employee Engagement Surveys, employee feedback, employee happiness, employee leadership training, employee motivation, employee retain, employee retention, employee satisfaction, employee stay survey, fail to take action, fulfilling life, job satisfaction, KEEP ME employee Survey, leadership by walking around, management by walking around, mbwa, mega trend, not listening, online employee engagement surveys, passion in the workplace, retain and gain, stay interview survey, work utopia, workplace satisfaction